Notes From the Book (A series of posts from the EarthNight Handbook)

EarthNight has been going strong since 2010, always with the idea that we were designing a structure that could we could give away widely.  People all over the world should see here whatever they need to build their own EarthNight groups, and then to get to work and learn as they go.

We wrote most of a manual for rolling out your own EarthNight group, the EarthNight Handbook. The quality varies.  It is not ready for publication.  But it is ready for improvement!

Over the course of the next year, let’s borrow sections from this book in progress.  Let’s improve them, and post them here as Notes From the Book –  A series of blog posts from the EarthNight Handbook.

Help Write This Book

As you ask questions, you help choose which sections of the book you will see first!

What are the challenges you face in considering starting an EarthNight group? And what challenges do you face once you have a group that is meeting?

Eventually, your questions, plus the material from the existing handbook, plus new material that we haven’t even imagined yet, will be ready to publish as the real EarthNight Handbook. 

And remember that all the blog posts and pages on this site are free to copy for any purpose, as long as you link back to this site.


Essential Shared Total

                                     Creative Living Spark

Ask for Help

                                      Gather In


Now               Here                This                 Earth

(Now hear this Earth)


Definition, Direction, and Purpose (DDP)

As you read through A series of posts from the EarthNight Handbook, consider the following statement of scope for the garden of this book.

(As we start to learn to ask for help, an essential job for the human on Earth is to clarify the essential direction and purpose of the shared work: to define the shared scope just enough to get to work. The help that is never given is to tell us what we care for. We must care, we must speak, we must ask, then help arrives.)

Earth Night Handbook

Everything a group of friends or acquaintances needs to start and sustain a weekly Earth Night group.

Target audience: any group that is:

  • Local
  • Diverse
  • Interested in living on Earth
  • Barely willing to be willing to be willing to agree

Definition, Direction, Purpose: Earth Night Handbook

  • Speaks from and for a world that lives
  • Worthy of study yet immediately accessible
  • Practitioner’s Guide ﹘step by step practices that work
  • Written and read in community and communion
  • Beginners will begin
  • Universal relevance, universal appeal
  • Say what there is to say then stop
  • The book, the whole book, and nothing but the book

Intentions List (qualities, dreams, wishes, aspirations)

  • Daring
  • Fun
  • Clear
  • Easy
  • Reassuring
  • Short

Please help create this book.

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